![Faculty of Mines]()
Faculty of Mines
Occupational safety and health management
Education plan series: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018,
The mission of the study program is to provide professional training of master students on the competences: educational, research, professional development and training, communication, in accordance with the requirements of modern education for the training of specialists in the field of occupational safety and health of workers and safety of mining and industrial processes and equipment. The study programme is characterised by elements of timeliness in relation to the Romanian Classification of Occupations (COR 2012). Graduates of this programme can enter the labour market in the following occupations: designated worker, head of internal prevention and protection service, manager of occupational health and safety management systems, labour inspector. pre-university teacher (module: occupational safety and health) or university lecturer, specialist in occupational safety and health, occupational health and safety management systems auditor, natural person authorised by the M.M.F.P.S. to provide services in the field of occupational safety and health. Curriculum subjects: Legislative bases of occupational safety and health, Fire and explosion prevention, Occupational risk assessment methods and techniques, Occupational safety and health monitoring, Protective systems and equipment, Geotechnical risk assessment and management, Ergonomics, Occupational safety and health management, Risk management, Occupational safety and health auditing, Economic evaluation of occupational accidents and diseases, Occupational psychology. I’m in!
Computerized mining surveying and cadastre
Education plan series: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018,
The Master’s programme provides superior knowledge in the field of land surveying with applications in the specific area of mining and cadastral surveying. The techniques and methods used in the programme correspond to the current requirements based on the use of the information system for processing, analysis and decision with the aim of efficiently carrying out the theoretical and practical procedures specific to the activities in the field. Graduates of the programme can work as a mining surveyor, mining surveyor researcher, land surveyor researcher, geodetic engineer or real estate appraiser. Curriculum subjects: Computerization of surveying works, Current methods of processing terrestrial measurements, European norms and standards in cadastre, Techniques and technologies used in surveying, geodesy and cadastre works, Monitoring of subsidence zones, Special mining surveying works, Remote sensing, Quality assessment of surveying and geodesy works, Optimization and efficiency of geodesy, surveying and cadastre works, Management of surveying and cadastre works, Design of mining constructions. I’m in!
Environmental quality control and monitoring
Education plan series: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018,
The mission of the Master’s programme is to provide graduates with competences in explaining the mechanisms, processes and effects of anthropogenic or natural origin that determine and influence environmental pollution, control and monitoring of environmental factors in the integrated environmental management system, selection and application of the best available techniques and alternative technologies for sustainable environmental management, research and implementation of ecotechnological solutions in production processes. Possible occupations of graduates are: manager of environmental management systems; environmental engineer; environmental protection inspector; environmental auditor; environmental assessor and auditor; research engineer in sanitary engineering and environmental protection; environmental compliance inspector; researcher in ecology and environmental protection; researcher in hydropower plants and environmental protection; environmental officer; environmental analyst; environmental adviser; environmental economics consultant; environmental control and monitoring systems manager. Curriculum subjects: Instrumental methods for measuring physical quantities, Ecological analysis and assessment of ecosystem condition, Sampling and processing techniques, Ecotoxicology, Health status, epidemiological risk and urban ecology, Wastes and hazardous substances, Instrumental methods of measurement and chemical analysis, Natural and anthropogenic landscape design, Chemical methods of analysis, Metrology and statistical data processing, Land quality assessment and risk factors, Environmental risks, Environmental quality monitoring methods, Environmental quality control regulations and legislation, Interpretation of experimental data and measurements, Meteorology, Pollutant dispersion assessment methods and programmes, Cultural heritage and tourism, Protected natural areas and biodiversity conservation. I’m in!
Mining construction design engineering
Education plan series: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2018,
The Master’s programme is aimed at graduates in Civil Engineering and graduates in other technical fields. The main mission of the Master’s programme is to provide students with the cognitive and behavioural skills necessary to become good specialists in the design of underground constructions for different purposes (mining, hydrotechnical, tunnels, subways, underground passages), carried out under different geotechnical conditions. Master’s studies also offer graduates the possibility of a career in research, higher education and doctoral studies. The programme is aimed at graduates of the Mining Construction specialisation, as well as engineers from other technical fields in various sectors of the national economy, ensuring the acquisition of knowledge in a dynamic field with well-individualized particularities. Curriculum subjects: Elasticity and plasticity in mining construction, Rock mass investigation techniques, Advances in the use of explosives in underground construction, Geotechnical hazards in mining construction, Underground construction stability and support design, Underground construction stability and support design, Computer-aided design with applications in underground construction, Mining construction design, Special underground construction design, Mining construction project management and economic evaluation, Monitoring the reliability of mining construction. I’m in!
Engineering and project management
Education plan series: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018,
The Professional Master’s degree programme is part of the Engineering and Management field of study and is an interdisciplinary study programme for graduates with undergraduate degrees in various fundamental fields: Engineering Sciences, Economic Sciences, Social and Political Sciences, Legal Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, etc. The Master aims to contribute to the growth of professionalism, to promote project management as a micro and macroeconomic strategy and to provide a link between the stakeholders in the field in Romania. Graduates of this Master’s programme are specialists in demand by the country’s labour market in project-oriented state or private organisations, public institutions and NGOs that want to increase the absorption rate of European funds for sustainable/sustainable development of the country, even in times of crisis. Curriculum subjects: Fundamentals of project management, Programme management, European project management, Project management strategies, Elements of strategic marketing in project management, Network modelling of projects, Forecasting in project management, Computer applications for project management, Communication and negotiation in projects, Project management by business area, Preparation and evaluation of project proposals, Procurement systems and procedures in projects, Project evaluation, Project leadership, Project auditing, Human resource management in projects, Decision optimization in project management, Risk management in projects. I’m in!
Environmental management and protection
Education plan series: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018,
The mission of the Master’s programme is to provide a thorough, in-depth and stimulating education in environmental management and protection for different socio-economic aspects (industry, water and soil management, atmospheric protection, infrastructure, environmental impact assessment, ecological rehabilitation, biodiversity conservation, etc.). The specific objectives of the programme are to provide an integrated curriculum solution to prepare graduates to engage in planning and management of environmental issues associated with each of the main stages of the various projects and the opportunity to pursue special aspects of environmental protection through individual research work towards a dissertation with topical subjects. Professional competences Elaboration of reports and carrying out research specific to the field of environmental engineering, describing and interpreting natural and anthropogenic processes. Preparation of various studies covering environmental management and protection issues (environmental report, environmental impact studies, environmental balance sheet, site report, etc.). Analyses of environmental protection in the context of sustainable development, highlighting environmentally, economically and socially viable solutions and alternatives. Development of ecological reconstruction, sustainable development, environmental and landscape protection and conservation projects. Development and application of techniques for diagnosis and monitoring of environmental factors. Engaging in theoretical and applied environmental research projects. Cross-cutting competences Global vision and systemic approach to environmental issues in different branches and industrial sectors. Ability to lead and coordinate the design, research and implementation of environmental mitigation and ecological reconstruction solutions. Human resources management. Capacity for self-awareness, self-evaluation and self-monitoring from a professional point of view. Self-teaching and continuous learning and training. Occupational gaps according to COR 2017: Environmental protection inspector (325712); Environmental officer (325710); Ecology and environmental protection researcher (213146). I’m in!
![Faculty of EMI]()
Faculty of I.M.E.
Applied computer techniques and technologies
Curriculum series: 2018,
The mission of the Master’s program is to provide students with the cognitive and behavioral skills necessary to become specialists in applied computing. Through the acquisition of modern technologies of applied informatics, the formation of a pragmatic engineering thinking system, but above all through the acquisition of the skills to design and implement computer systems for the computer management of industrial, economic or social processes, this programme aims to train engineers who will perform well on the European labour market. The specialisation provides theoretical and practical knowledge in the use of computer technology in the monitoring and management of processes and, in particular, in the design and use of information systems and technologies. It also aims to acquire knowledge of the use and design of computer control systems for automation installations, robots and CIM structures, power electronics used in electric drives or other industrial installations. I’m in!
Information systems and technologies
Curriculum series: 2018,
The mission of the Master’s programme is to provide graduates with the cognitive and behavioural skills needed to become specialists in an increasingly complex and dynamic industrial and economic environment, both nationally and internationally. Through the acquisition of modern technologies of applied informatics, the formation of a pragmatic engineering thinking system, but especially through the acquisition of the skills to design and implement information systems for the management of industrial, economic or social processes, this programme aims to train engineers who will perform well in the European labour market. The programme ensures a high level of professional competence, achieved through the attainment of a set of objectives, including: identification of problems that require correct diagnosis, their appropriate resolution and the design of effective strategies for future development; familiarisation with the latest theories, mechanisms and approaches in the development and implementation of information systems that are reviewed in national and world literature; I’m in!
Operation of industrial electrical installations
Curriculum series: 2018,
The mission of the Master’s programme is to provide graduates with the cognitive and behavioural skills necessary to become specialists in an increasingly complex and dynamic industrial and economic environment, both nationally and internationally. The Master’s programme provides a deepening of knowledge in the undergraduate field of Electrical Engineering and trains specialists with the objectives of both deepening knowledge of the design, operation and maintenance of power generation and distribution systems and developing scientific research capabilities. The specialisation provides theoretical and practical knowledge in the use of computing technology and microprocessors in general and in the design and use of electrical systems in particular. I’m in!
Electromechanical systems
Curriculum series: 2018,
The mission of the Master’s programme is to provide graduates with the cognitive and behavioural skills necessary to become specialists in an increasingly complex and dynamic industrial and economic environment, both nationally and internationally. The Master’s programme provides a deepening of knowledge in the undergraduate field of Electrical Engineering and trains specialists with the objectives of both deepening knowledge of the design, operation and maintenance issues of intelligent electromechanical systems and developing scientific research capabilities. The specialisation provides theoretical and practical knowledge in the use of computing technology and microprocessors in general and, in particular, in the analysis, design, use and management of intelligent electromechanical systems. I’m in!
Plant and equipment for mechanical processes
Curriculum series: 2019, 2018,
The specialisation provides theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of mechanical, fluid and thermal systems in general, and the use of computational technology in particular. The students are trained by highly professionally trained teachers in laboratories equipped with the necessary equipment, equipment and computing technology to acquire knowledge and practical skills and to attract them to scientific research. Graduates of this specialisation acquire the necessary training for the design, operation and maintenance of classic and modern machinery and drives, process, automation and monitoring installations used in various branches of industry, in enterprises and commercial companies. I’m in!
Process plant and equipment in mining
Curriculum series: 2019, 2018,
This Master’s programme provides knowledge and qualifications with applicability in the Mining industry. Students are trained by professionally well-trained teachers in laboratories equipped with stands, measuring equipment and computing techniques, necessary to acquire knowledge and practical skills to attract them to scientific research. Thanks to the diversity of the disciplines studied, graduates can access the labour market, acquiring skills in the design, operation and maintenance of classic and modern mining equipment and process installations, and can thus occupy positions in interdisciplinary teams in the field of mineral resources exploration and extraction. I’m in!
Computer-aided design and manufacturing
Curriculum series: 2018,
The Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CADM) Master’s degree programme is intended for graduates of undergraduate studies in the field of Industrial Engineering, as well as for those in Mechanical Engineering, Engineering and Management or other engineering fields. The mission of this degree programme is to train highly qualified specialists who are able to develop technical applications in the field of advanced manufacturing systems in three research-development-innovation areas: Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Integrated Digital Manufacturing Systems (CIM). The programme contains both specialist engineering disciplines in the field of design and manufacturing on CNC machine tools and project management, as well as complementary disciplines on economic efficiency, safety and ecology of products required by society. The technical applications of this degree programme can be found in most branches of industry: machine building industry (moulds, parts with complex surfaces, etc.); automotive industry (automotive); aeronautical industry; industrial systems and installations; advanced production systems. Graduates of this specialization can work in research, design and production both in the country and abroad and can occupy various positions, such as: specialist in the field of computer-aided design; research engineer in mechanical engineering technology; quality specialist; expert in technological risk prevention-reduction; research engineer in process equipment; research engineer in machinery and mechanical installations; research engineer in unconventional technology and equipment; research engineer in technical creation in mechanical engineering. I’m in!
Transport systems for industry, tourism and services
Curriculum series: 2018,
The mission of this master program is to provide graduates in the fields of transport, mechanical and industrial engineering with a specialized training correlated with the needs of increasing professional skills to ensure scientific, technical and technological progress in the field. The Master’s programme provides graduates with the cognitive and behavioural skills needed to become transport specialists in an increasingly complex and dynamic national and international economic environment. By learning and deepening modern technologies for the design and use of transport systems used in industry, tourism and services, training a pragmatic engineering thinking system, as well as by acquiring economic and risk management skills, this program aims to train engineers performing in the national and European labour market. The specialisation provides theoretical and practical knowledge in the use of computer technology in the design, calculation and simulation of transport systems. It also aims to acquire specific knowledge of the operation, use and design of overhead, underground and vertical transport systems found in the industrial, tourist and service sectors. Possible occupations: Head of service, Chief transport engineer, Head of column, Engineer for the coordination of transport activities, Small business driver – transport employer, Specialist in vehicle regulations/identity cards/technical checks for registration/technical inspections/official approvals, Specialist in vehicle services, Forensic or extrajudicial expert in the field of motor vehicles, etc. I’m in!
Responsible Consumption and Production
The mission of the Responsible Consumption and Production master’s degree programme in Industrial Engineering is to provide students with the cognitive and behavioural skills needed to become industrial systems specialists in an increasingly complex and dynamic economic environment from a sustainable development perspective and to develop scientific research capacity based on modern computer-aided concepts in the context of responsible consumption and production. Graduates of this specialisation acquire the necessary training for the design, operation and maintenance of systems used in various industries, in businesses and companies, under conditions of environmental protection and clean energy use. The study programme is carried out within EURECA-PRO, a university alliance that aims to be a leader in research and innovation in the field of RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION and to become a global and interdisciplinary learning centre. I’m in!
![Faculty of Science]()
Faculty of Science
Strategic business management
Education plan series: 2023, 2019, 2018,
The mission of the Master’s programme is to provide Master’s students with the cognitive and behavioural skills necessary to become specialists in solving managerial situations specific to an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment. By learning the fundamentals of strategic management, forming a critical and realistic thinking system, but especially by acquiring the skills to design and implement successful business strategies, the program aims to train business people and leaders aware of the managerial responsibility of the companies in which they will work and the importance of research as a prerequisite for achieving competitive advantage. Curriculum subjects: Business economics; Managerial accounting; Globalization of international business; Strategic diagnostics; Business ethics; Managerial business redesign; Business forecasting and strategic planning; Strategic gaming and decision optimization; Knowledge-based organization and management; Business management information systems; Business risk management; Strategic marketing; Financial management; Change management; Business strategies; Project management; Quality management. I’m in!
Financial-banking management
Education plan series: 2023, 2021, 2019, 2018,
The mission of the programme is to deepen the financial-banking and stock market knowledge necessary for future specialists who will work directly or indirectly in the financial-banking market, fields that are in a permanent process of transformation and adaptation to the mechanisms of the European and international markets. The Master’s programme aims to provide information that will facilitate the future specialists to work in governmental and local government institutions, international financial organisations, financial consultancy companies, banking and credit institutions, non-banking financial companies, educational institutions, etc. Curriculum subjects: Monetary economics; Corporate finance; Tax policies and practices; Comparative banking systems; Financial management; Monetary policies and banking techniques; Lending management; Consolidated accounting; International project finance management; Financial securities portfolio and risk management; Marketing of banking products; In-depth financial analysis; Optimising financial-banking decisions; Financial reporting standards; Banking regulation and supervision; Pricing policies; Risk management and bank performance analysis. I’m in!
Human Resources Management
Education plan series: 2023, 2019, 2018,
The mission of the Master’s programme is to train highly competent managerial and professional specialists, capable of managing, in efficient conditions, the far-reaching transformations that the human capital is undergoing in the context of the growing affirmation of the knowledge society. Graduates of this study programme become specialists in the field of human resources and personnel and develop skills related to recruitment, selection and evaluation of staff performance, rewarding, motivating and developing staff as well as skills needed in occupational analysis, career guidance or career management. Curriculum subjects: Employment; Information Systems in Human Resource Management; Communication Management; Ergonomics; Human Resource Recruitment and Selection Policies; Motivating and Rewarding Human Resources; Performance Appraisal; Decision Modelling in Human Resource Management; Career Management; Change Management; Organisational Behaviour; Business Ethics, etc. I’m in!
Accounting and auditing
Education plan series: 2023, 2021, 2019, 2018,
The study programme is oriented towards the fields of accounting and auditing, in order to provide the necessary skills to exploit at a higher level the information generated by these two fields of knowledge. The mission of the programme is to provide the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to train accounting and auditing professionals so that they are able to build successful careers wherever they work, in the public or private sector, or achieve excellence in accounting and auditing research. Graduates of this master’s degree will have the possibility of direct access, without examination, to the traineeship of chartered accountant, as well as to the traineeship of financial auditor through the protocols to be concluded with the regulated bodies CECCAR and CAFR. Curriculum subjects: Doctrine and ethics of the profession, International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS), Accounting theory and financial reporting, Tax policies and practices, Accounting and consulting, International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), Financial auditing and corporate governance, In-depth management accounting, In-depth financial analysis, Auditing and internal control, International Standards on Auditing (ISA), Integrated accounting and management systems, Financial diagnosis and firm valuation, Company-wide integrated information systems, Commercial and tax law, Scientific research methodology. I’m in!
Education plan series: 2023, 2020, 2019, 2018,
The Master’s degree programme “Social Protection Policies” is addressed to graduates in Sociology and Social Work, with the aim of deepening their specialist training by developing the cognitive, applied and attitudinal skills needed by specialists in these complex and dynamic fields of social policy and social protection in the European area. Graduates will master the theoretical framework of social policies and social protection and the skills needed to deal with social issues in practice. They will be trained as specialists who will be able to deal with a wide range of social phenomena such as: quality of life; social protection of disadvantaged people; employment and unemployment; territorial and social mobility; family issues in contemporary society, etc. Curriculum subjects: Social policy theory; Social protection systems; Social statistics and social indicators; Psycho-sociology of social change; Qualitative social research methods and techniques; Sectoral social policies in the context of regional development; Employment of the disadvantaged; Combating poverty and social exclusion; Modelling and simulation of social labour processes and unemployment; European integration and globalisation; Social protection of individuals; Implications of change on the family; Social security law; Financing social protection. I’m in!
Public administration and community development
Education plan series: 2023, 2021, 2018,
The mission of the Master Programme “Public Administration and Community Development” is to contribute to the specialisation of higher education graduates in the field of regional development, through the acquisition of solid theoretical knowledge and the development of practical and research skills that will ensure their access as professionals to the labour market in today’s competitive environment. The mission of the Master Programme “Public Administration and Community Development” is to ensure the training of young graduates in this field and is generated by the requirements imposed by Romania’s accession to the European Union, which also implies the implementation of community development policies, with the aim of reducing disparities between the different regions of the country, but also between Romania and other Member States. The Master’s programme “Public Administration and Community Development” aims to create high quality specialists who are able to analyse and think critically about regional development issues, to solve relevant problems and to develop effective decisions to reduce disparities in the level of development between different regions. I’m in!