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The University of Petroșani ensures performance education

The University of Petroșani assumes the mission to train specialists in various technical, economic and social fields, able to use valuable scientific, technical and cultural-humanistic knowledge, to contribute to the technological, economic and social-cultural progress of Romanian society and the contemporary world.

The University of Petroșani ensures the achievement of a high performance education, developed and perfected through a complex research activity, continuing the tradition of the Polytechnic Schools in Romania, according to the requirements and with the means offered by the modern information society. It aims to create a new university profile that promotes forms of education adapted to the requirements of a society in full competition, subject to the process of integration with the European and International Community. University education moves out of the sphere of information consumption and into the sphere of learning how to produce information. Its main mission is to train specialists who are able to adapt to the requirements of the market economy and new technologies, who have technical, economic and managerial knowledge and who promote the principles of sustainable development and environmental protection. To do this, they must be trained according to the modern principle of direct participation in the choice of their educational pathway, and be included in a learning process that will give them a real chance to compete in the free labour market.