Authors are welcome to submit paper(s) in accordance with UNIVERSITARIA SIMPRO 2022 conference topics. The papers must be prepared in English. When preparing the paper(s) and license agreement(s) please use the templates that can be found in the downloads section. Each paper must have between 6 pages and 12 pages. Maximum number of accepted papers per author/coauthor is 2. Maximum number of authors per accepted paper is 5. For submitting the paper(s), the authors should use the EasyChair platform, according to the following procedure: 1. ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONFor uploading the abstract please follow the procedure: * Create/Open an EasyChair account at: * Upload the abstract on the EasyChair platform. * Fill the registration form (for every abstract/paper) The abstract must present the essence of the paper and should not exceed 200 words. It briefly summarises the background, aim or purpose of research, method used, results/findings and conclusions of the paper. Also, we recommend to use keywords in order to identify the contents of the papers. The deadline for abstract submission is 31.05.2022 2. INITIAL PAPER SUBMISSIONIf the Abstract is accepted (notification of abstract acceptance by 02.06.2022), authors are required to draw up the Full Paper in strict compliance with the SIMPRO 2022 template (available in the download section). The Full Paper in DOCX must be uploaded in the “Full Paper in DOCX” section by the deadline of 30.06.2022. For uploading the full paper please follow the procedure: * Open your EasyChair and upload the full paper in DOCX. Your uploaded Full Paper will be subject to reviewing and the authors will be notified by 30.07.2022 on the ACCEPTANCE without changes/with changes or on the REJECTION of the paper (if an unacceptable level of plagiarism level is detected or in case of major lack of scientific quality).
3. SECOND DOCUMENTS SUBMISSIONIn compliance with the remarks of the reviewers received, authors will or will have not to revise the paper. If a revised version is required, authors are kindly asked to perform all changes required and to upload a revised version of document in the “Revised Paper in DOCX” section of their submission, by 28.08.2022. * DOCX file of the revised paper(s) - by EasyChair; * PDF file of the revised paper(s) - by EasyChair; * PDF Analyser Report for the revised paper(s) by EasyChair; Papers uploaded after the deadline will not be accepted at the conference. For any problem regarding paper submission, please send an e-mail to Also, authors will have to transform the Revised Paper DOCX into a PDF document whose quality has to be checked at: so that to make sure that all fonts are embedded and that the quality of images is at least 150 dpi. The newly created Revised Paper in PDF document has to be uploaded in the corresponding “Revised Paper in PDF” section. The PDF Analyser Report for the Revised Paper in PDF has to be uploaded in the corresponding “PDF Analyser Report” section (PDF or JPG format accepted). If your paper had to be changed in compliance with the remarks of the reviewers, then your uploaded Revised Full Paper will be subjected to an evaluation by the initial reviewer and the authors will be notified (final notification) by 24.09.2022 on the ACCEPTANCE or on the REJECTION of the paper. IMPORTANT NOTES:Please note that even if after the first review process you are informed that your Paper is accepted without changes, you will still have to re-upload the article in the Revised Paper in DOCX section, to transform it into a PDF, to check the PDF document quality as mentioned before and to upload the Revised Paper in PDF and the PDF Analyser Report into the corresponding sections. Revised Paper in DOCX”, “Revised Paper in PDF”, “PDF Analyser Report”, and “Signed Licence Agreement” sections will be made open for the author’s access gradually, depending on the completed review steps.