Part I
- Negruț, T.G. Policy Actions During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic Impact
- Cenușe, M. Trends Regarding the Administrative-Territorial Reorganization of Romania. Part I - The Hypothesis of the Establishment of a Second Intermediate Level
- Cenușe, M. Trends Regarding the Administrative-Territorial Reorganization of Romania. Part II - The Hypothesis of Maintaining a Single Intermediate Level
- Mîță, V.; Man, M. Considerations on the Perception of Accounting Professionals on the Future of Accounting in the Digital Economy
- Cenar, I.; Cioban, E. Implementation of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS): Variables and Challenges, Advantages and Disadvantages
- Cenar, I.; Crișan (Spatacean), E.D. Cultural Heritage Assets Characteristics and Accounting Coordinates
- Nimară, C. Digital Transformation of Tourism, A Great Step Forward?
- Nimară, C. Sustainable Tourism after Covid 19 Pandemic
- Dobre, A.C. Sustainable Business Activities
- Dobre, A.C. The Role of Managerial Finance in Organizations
- Nimară, C. Rural Tourism - An Economic Alternative for Depopulated Villages in Romania
- Stoicuța, N.E. Analysis of the Dependence Between the Import and Export of Electricity from Romania and the Real GDP
- Stoicuța, N.E. Analysis of the Dynamics of Investment Volume in Romania According to GDP, Interest Rate and Inflation Rate
- Cătuțoiu, O.L. The Relevance of Accounting Information in the Analysis of the Performance and Financial Position of Economic Entities in the Category of SMEs. Case Study
- Niță, D. Discrimination of Disabled People on the Labour Market
- Slusariuc, G.C.; Nimară, C. Development of Sustainable Mountain Tourism in Petroșani Area, Hunedoara County
- Slusariuc, G.C. The Role of Controlling in Measuring the Company's Performance
- Kacso-Doboly, R.E. Considerations on the Models of Economic Development
- Kacso-Doboly, R.E. Economic and Industrial Systems and Globalisation
- Pleșa, R. US vs EU – Comparison of the Economy
Part II
- Isac, C.; Pleșan, N. School Preparation and Employment, Anchors for the Future
- Dobre-Baron, O.; Nițescu, A. Green Bonds - Instruments for Supporting Green Investments on the Capital Market
- Dobre-Baron, O. The Absorption of European Funds in Romania under the 2014-2020 Financial Framework
- Guță, A.J. Development of Communication Strategy – The Premise of Launching and Implementing a Project in the School Environment
- Guță, A.J. Analysis of the Level of e-Government in the Public Administration in Our Country
- Nițescu, A.; Dobre-Baron, O. The Importance of Eco-Innovation for Increasing the Competitiveness of SMEs
- Pleșan, N. Psychopedagogical Intervention in the Case of Children Affected by External Economic Migration
- Răvaş, B. General Aspects Regarding the Audit of European Non-Reimbursable Funds
- Răvaş, B. The Particulars of the Financial Audit in the Field of European Projects
- Dobre-Baron, O. Sustainable Investments - Part of the European Green Deal
- Slusariuc, G.C. Directions for Mitigating Unemployment for the Z Generation
- Ghicajanu, M. Good Practice Models That Can Be Applied in the Management of Small Businesses
- Ghicajanu, M. Sustainability and Durability - Criteria Included in the Evaluation of Business Excellence of Companies
- Ungureanu, A. Conducting Educational Activities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Chiș, M.M.; Guță, A.J. Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Schools
- Guță, A.J.; Gavrilă, G.T. Case Study on the Efficiency of Communication at the Workplace in an Organization
- Drigă, I.; Dura, C. Retail Payments Landscape in Europe
- Nițescu, A. Employee Motivation – Determining Factor of Organizational Performance
- Nițescu, A. The Role and Importance of Business Incubators in the Current Economic Context
- Dura, C.; Drigă, I. On-Line Advertising Tools for Small and Medium Enterprises
- Dumbravă, G. The Role of Mass Media and Social Media in Business Communication
- Dumbravă, G. Center-Margin Relations in the European Union Business Environment