CUPRINS Nr. 7 / 2008

Fodor D.
Folosirea explozivilor pentru extragerea rocilor tari - The Use of Explosives for The Extraction of Hard Rocks
The industrial exploitation of hard and very hard rocks and useful mineral substances are now executed almost with explosives exclusively, referring to other methods of extracting and detaching from the massif only when the use of the explosives causes the splitting of the massif and in this way, the damage of the rocks is done.
Nitu Gh., Filip Gh.
A fost geneza zacamantului de uraniu Baita - Bihor din Apuseni, Romania, un puzzle real sau unul fals? - Was The Genesis of Baita Bihor Uranium Deposits from Apuseni, Romania a Real Puzzle or a Fake?
The paper presents a review of the geological literature concerning the Baita Bihor uranium deposit, located in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania, discovered and mined during the 1951 1957 period, in the same time as the Sinkolobwe deposit in Congo.
Vasilescu G. D., Simion S., Cioclea D.
Contributii la elaborarea unor metode moderne de analiza si evaluare a riscurilor profesionale (II) - Contributions to The Elaboration of Some Modern Methods of Analysis and Evaluation of The Professional Risks (II)
The evaluation of the occupational risk represents an operation whose purpose is to evaluate (assess) the risk for accidents and occupational diseases which can occur during the development of some hazards produced by human activities inside the working system, with the view to giving a qualitative and a quantitative size of this element.
Nistor C.
Influenta Haldei de steril Valea Stiucani asupra dinamicii locale a reliefului (II) - The Influence of Stiucani Valley Sterile Waste Over The Local Dynamic of The Relief (II)
The Stiucani sterile rock waste overlayed along Grigorecu Valley, was periodicaly affected by instability phenomena. The landslides had manifested through damaged of extended sourface, with the movement of big volume, of hundred of thousands m3, which induced a potential damage and threate among inhabitance.
Ciocoiu C.D., Gheorghiosu E.
Notificarea europeana a Organismului National INSEMEX-SECEMTI - de certificare a explozivilor de uz civil, etapa importanta a integrarii europene - European Notification of National Body- INSEMEX-SECEMTI -for The Authentification of The Civil Use Explosives, an Important Part of European Integration
This paper presents the applicable essential safety requirements for each group of products from the domain regulated by the Directive 93/15/EEC and the Government Decision no.207/2005.The last one this integrated the above said directive and the evaluation flowchart for the compliance of civil use explosives according to the Directive no.93/15/EEC and the Government Decision no.207/2005
Marinescu I.A.
Stadiul actual in domeniul exploatarii aurului aluvionar in zona Merisani - Arges - Actual Stage in The Domain of Alluvial Gold Exploitation in Merisani-Arges Area
The gold searchers' principal motivation is both the physical properties of the this noble metal and its spreading in the sands of a lot of rivers, supporting the contact between the human and the native gold whose enchanting color is amplified by the matchless glitter in the light of the solar radiations.
Duma S.
Radioactivitatea si riscul desertificarii nucleare a planetei (II) - The Radioactivity and The risk of Nuclear Desertification of The Planet (II)
In this article, a synthesis about the risks of the nuclear radioactivity and desertification of the planet is made.
Marinescu C.
Tendinte actuale pentru sistemele de energii neconventionale - Actual Trends for The Systems of Non-conventional Energies
The economic strategy of a durable development certainly involves the promotion of the efficiency and the rational use of the energy at buildings level, a major consumer of energy, both at Romania and E.U. Member Countries level.