CUPRINS Nr. 1 / 2007

Burlan D., Ivancu I., Popescu V. S.
Legea securitatii si sanatatii in munca (nr.319/2006) transpunere a Directivei Consiliului Europei - The Law of Labour Security and Health (no. 319/2006)Transposition of European Council Directive
Provisions of the the law of Labour Security and Health No. 90/1996 (reprinted on 2001, January 21st ) assured the appropriate frame for the mining activity for 10 years. From October 1st 2006 this law were repealed and were enforced the Law of security and health No. 319/2006 that transpose the EUROPEAN COUNCIL DIRECTIVE No. 83/191/CCE.
Gabrian C. F., Turdean N.
Managementul materialelor periculoase in industria miniera - Management of Dangerous Materials in Mining Industry
The risk degree of unsafe chemical substances imposed the necessity to develop the international and national legislation regarding the restriction of use and their management. The environment protection is only a part of these regulations. We present the main principles and the best practices for environment in the management of dangerous materials used in mining industry.
Rotescu C., Aninoiu D.
Consideratii asupra gradului de recuperare a rezervei geologice de lignit in zona anticlinalului Runcurel-Rovinari (jud. Gorj) - Consideration on Recovering Degree of Geological Reserve of Lignite in Runcurel-Rovinari Anticline Area (Gorj County)
This paper decompose the manner about retrieval of lignit reserves in an area with a major fault (the anticline Runcurel-Rovinari) and more parallel tension fault, on both's major structure which pass over from west to east minin Rovinari, located in Gorj county.
Fodor D., Cotocea N.
Influenta masivului de roci asupra proiectarii si realizarii lucrarilor de forare impuscare (II) - Effect of Rocks Massif on Designing and Carrying Out of Drilling Works (II)
The results of drilling works depend on the rocks massif extracted and the quality of equipments and materials used. This article makes a detailed analysis of the impact of rocks massif's composition and structure on the manner of work and results.
Arad S.
Tehnologii pentru "carbune curat" clean coal technology, o provocare pentru cercetare in context european - Clean Coal Technologies - a Challenge for Research in European Context
The Community can make an important contribution to this process through its RTD programmes, and give Member States effective assistance in fulfilling their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, by promoting and extending the scope of clean coal technology, which all forecasts indicate will continue to be the number one fuel for electricity generation over the coming decades, has a number of advantages: there are abundant long-term reserves of this energy source in the Community, it can be supplied at internationally competitive prices in the long term, and by using state-of-the-art technology it can be used in an efficient and environmentally sound manner.
Damian F., Damian Gh.
Criterii si domenii de utilizare a tufurilor zeolitice din Romania (I) - Criteria and Domains for Using Zeolitic Tuffs in Romania (I)
In Romania there are important zeolites resources that can be used in various industrial and environmental protection areas. In the environmental protection domain they can be used to stabilize and remedied the heavy metal polluted soils from the zones with mining and metallurgical activity.
Maracineanu G. A., Tipei Gh., Tiugan M. V. G.
Flotatia cu adaos de reactiv colector nepolar in masini columnare aplicata pe minereul cuprifer de la Moldova Noua - The Flotation with Non-Polar Collective Reactive Addition in Columnar Machines Applied on The Copper Bearing from Moldova Noua
This article presents the behaviour of the flotation with non-polar collective reactive addition in columnar machines applied on the ore from Moldova Noua.
Marinescu M., Bogatu L., Matei M., Popescu A.
Resursele minerale la nivel mondial (I) - Global Mineral Resources (I)
Some resources appear naturally, as a result of some processes and natural evolution, without involving the human intervention. Obviously, these resources (air, water, soil, mineral substances, plants, animals, landscapes, solar energy etc.) are named natural resources, unlike those artificial or anthropic (waste, work, qualification, information, capital, technology etc.) that directly result from human activity.
Cioclea D., Toth I., Jurca L.
Aspecte tehnice legate de aplicarea metodei de exploatare cu subminare la stratele groase de inclinare mare sub o zona exploatata clasic - Technical Aspects on Undermining Method Applied at Thick Beds with High Inclination Under an Area Classic Mined
Coal bed undermining has been performed within an area where there were performed classic mining operations, for example horizontal slicing with long pillars. This paper shows the problems appeared when the undermined coal bed was under an area previously mined by classic methods and the direction of the scarp line of the classic stope displays an angle with the face line of the undermining stope area.
Buldur C. C.
Echipament performant in combaterea pulberilor filtrul - tip GF03 (III) - A High Performance Equipment for Powder Control GF 03 type Filter (III)
The GF 03 industrial dust filters there are the newest achievement from the industrial dedusting, that through its new and technical progress in comparison to the known level, it is a technical economic ascendant confronted by other types of dedusting filters.