CUPRINS Nr. 5 / 2006

Pop E., Sasaran N.
Tehnologii de ecologizare a depozitelor miniere - Technologies for The Ecologization of Mining Deposits
The ecological revival of the existing waste pits and the management and exploitation of the new pits are a must to avoid the occurrence of the pollution accidents.
Magyari A., Brancoveanu I.
Analiza regimului termic al franelor cu disc pentru masinile de extractie - Analysis of Thermal Operating of Plate Breaks on Extraction Machines
In this paper there are established some formulas regarding the analyses of the thermic regimes of disk-brakes for multi rope hoisting installations.
Dumitrescu I.
Consideratii privind evaluarea impactului asupra factorilor de mediu generat de exploatarea miniera Zegujani, Jud. Mehedinti - Considerations on The Evaluation of The Impact on Environment Factors Produced by Zegujani Mining Exploitation, Mehedinti County
The estimation of the environmental impact - caused by the development of all activities from the analysis area- supposed a differential boarder due, first problems of complexity (the substantiation the environmental protection measures, insurance of the working materials, economics and socials, too) and secondly from procedural problems.
Popescu L., Racoceanu C., Grofu F.
Sistem numeric de dispecerizare energetica cu aplicabilitate in carierele SNLO - Numeric system for energetic control feasible in SNLO pits
In this paper we will present an example of for energetic dispatchering system, realised with AT89C2051 microcontroller. This system is compound from local acquisition data system, for each equipment, which transmitting the data to central dispatcher by radio waves.
Onica I., Cozma E., Goldan T.
Analiza fenomenului care a condus la accidentul din abatajul frontal cu banc de carbune subminat, pan.5, str.3 bl.III N, EM Uricani, in data de 22.05.2004 - Analysis of The Phenomenon That Leads to The Accident from Longwall Coal Undermined Bed pan.5, str.3 bl.III N, EM Uricani, Date 22.05.2004
This article makes an analysis of the phenomenon that leads to the accident from longwall coal undermined bed of pan.5, str. 3, bl.III N date 22.05.2004 E.M. Uricani .
Munteanu M., Solschi A., Oprisoreanu A., Moldovan R.
Evaluarea parametrilor de deformare a suprafetei in functie de metoda de exploatare a huilei folosita in Valea Jiului si solutii de protejare - The Evaluation of Surface Deformation Parameters Depending on The PIt-Coal Exploitation Method Used in Valea Jiului, and Solutions for Protection
This work propose to establish the values of the diving limit angle and the maximal diving angles in terms with the some mechanical properties of the rocks, considering that by those it could be characterized more competent the phenomena that are producing in the underground workings areas.
Cioclea D., Toth I., Lupu C., Jurca L., Gherghe I., Boanta C., Matei I.
Analiza sistemului de aeraj la abatajele cu banc subminat aplicate la stratele groase de inclinare mare - Analysis of Ventilation System at Undermined Bed Coal-Faces Applied to Thick Layers of High Inclination
This paper presents in an integrated manner the operation of the ventilation system used at the workings with undermined bed and where the thick coal beds have a high dip.
Felea C. M.
Managementul minier romanesc si piata libera. Nevoia de leadership (II) - Romanian Mining Management and The Free Market. Need of Leadership (II)
In this generous frame of discussion, we shall confine to stop at the question of changing perception about mining management. I invite, therein, all those who are interested, into a deepen debate of changing mining management problem, for adapting it to these new conditions.
Solschi A., Muresan N., Jitea O., Traista E.
Metodologii de prelevare a probelor de gaze in activitatea de monitorizare - Methodologies for Drawing The Gas Samples in Monitoring Activity
Metodologii de prelevare a probelor de gaze in activitatea de monitorizare - Methodologies for Drawing The Gas Samples in Monitoring Activity
Corui A., Bold O. V.
Apele reziduale si mediul inconjurator - Residual Waters and The Environment
Environment protection matters are being considered most attentively in Romania, especially consequent to the interest local pollution environment was subject to as a result of intensive industrial and agricultural activities and of the expansion of the populated centers, as well as due to the existence of trans- frontier pollution: all these detrimental factors lead to disturbances within certain ecosystems and to the worsening of the living conditions in certain areas.