CUPRINS Nr. 2 / 2008

Carbunele si schimbarea climei - The Coal and Climate Changes
The World Coal Institute recently published a report Coal Meeting the Climate Challenge: Technology to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The report specifically examines the potential of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology in enabling carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to atmosphere from coal use to be reduced by 80-90%.
Divin M., Didac B., Boros D., Fodor D.
Mineritul si heraldica familiala - Mining and Family Heraldry
This paper takes a view in mining history relative to heraldry that, together with numismatology, sigillography, chronicles and painted documents, help to be aware of specific historical periods, cloths, and occupations.
Arad V., Danciu C., Caragea V.
Cercetari privind posibilitatea utilizarii rocilor in constructii - Researches on The Use of Rocks in Constructions
There were studied several rocks from Jiu and Mures Valley and also from Northen Dobrogea. The analyzed rocks were obtained from several clients.
Cioclea D., Toth I., Jurca L., Jujan C., Dragoescu P., Mununar Gh.
Inertizarea cu azot N2 - The Inertization with Nitrogen
This paper presents the inertization procedures and observations regarding the intensity of inertization.
Ghicajanu M.
Analiza asupra datelor istorice si previziunilor privind principalii indicatori aferenti politicilor energetice la nivel mondial - Analysis on Historical Dates and Provisions Regarding The Main Indicators Related to World Energy Policies
The stage of economic development and the standard of living of individuals in a given region strongly influence the link between economic growth and energy demand. The pace of improvement in energy intensity may change, given different assumptions of macroeconomic growth over time. Faster growth in income leads to a faster rate of decline in energy intensity.
Tiuzbaian I. N.
Influenta opririlor in functionarea abatajelor asupra normarii - The Influence of Pauses in Coal-Faces Running on The Rate Setting
This paper makes a synthesis of the influence of pauses in coal-faces running on the rate setting.
Draghici A., Vasilescu D., Cioclea D., Popescu L.
Aprecierea riscului sanitar generat de activitati antropice asupra mediului - The Assessment of Sanitary Risk Produced by Anthropic Activities on The Environment
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the research work regarding the methodology of performing a simplified assessment of the sanitary risk, as part of an assessment study of the environmental impact.
Doval E.
Provocari ale dezvoltarii durabile: crearea unei noi culturi antreprenoriale in Valea Jiului - Challenges of Sustainable Development: a New Entrepreneurial Culture in Valea Jiului
This paper presents the general context of sustainable development and defines components of culture. The influences of organizational culture, focused on entrepreneurial culture on sustainable development are analyzed.