CUPRINS Nr. 5 / 2007

Marcu M. D., Utu I., Popescu F. G.
Program de simulare pentru functionarea redresoarelor statice - Simulation Program for The Static Rectifier Running
The paper presents a Windows application useful to study the static variator running, that intent to present all aspects needful. The application is didactic, being usefully for the students that study static converters.
Zoller C. L., Dobra R., Chirigiu G., Serban H.
Protectii electronice virtuale in instalatiile electrice miniere - Virtual electronic protection in The Mining Electric Installations
The virtual instrumentation for real time measurement and processing of various physical values is the result of the development of microelectronic technologies, implemented in the computer technology.
Arad S., Cierpisz S.
Aspecte privind imbunatatirea calitativa a carbunelui energetic - Aspects on Qualitative Improvement of Energetic Coal
The article presents the instrumental methods for measuring ash and moisture content and calorific value of coal in monitoring and control systems of commercial product qualitative parameters.
Utu I., Marcu M. D.
Inregistrarea si interpretarea armonicilor de tensiune si curent din retelele electrice miniere cu ajutorul calculatorului - Recording and Interpretation of Voltage and Power Harmonics Form Mining Electric Network by Computer
An important problem of power supply is to assure an appropriate quality. The power quality is generally characterized by: network voltage, voltage frequency, size of superior harmonics, phase’s symmetry, null deviation, etc.
Tabacaru-Barbu T.
Analiza si simularea sistemului de actionare electrica redresor-motor de c.c. in 4 cadrane a suprastructurii excavatoarelor cu roata cu cupe (ERC) din carierele de lignit - Analysis and Simulation of Electric Function System by Four Quadrant Motor C.C. Rectifier of The Bucket Excavator Superstructure From Lignite Open Pits
The paper illustrates a way to simulate in Matlab/Simulink PowerSystems the dinamic function of this drive. Using a single simulation model it is possible to verify the function of all 4 different types of drives on the BWE’s (470, 1300, 1400, 2000), to modify components in order to obtain the optimal response, to modify technological parameters for an optimal function.
Niculescu T.
Automatizarea proceselor de exploatare din minele de carbune cu pericol de explozie - Automation of Exploitation Processes in Coal Mines with Explosion Risk
In a research project was conceived and developed a new equipment for automatic control of different process in the coal mining industry.The results of the research, some details of the hardware implemented in the specific equipment and the adecquate software are described in the paper.
Orban M. D., Popescu C., Blanaru L., Cureleanu S.
Utilaje principale din carierele de lignit actionate de sistemul convertor-motor asincron - Main Mechanisms used in The Lignite Open Pits Driving by Asynchronous Motor-Converter System
The mining mechanisms used în the lignite open pits are: Bucket Wheel Excavators (BWE), Belt Conveyers (BC), Dumping Machines, and the others. These are driving by three phase asynchronous motors starting with starting resistances but the shortcut rotor asynchronous motor- converter driving system offers advantages.
Marcu M. D., Utu I., Popescu F. G.
Program de simulare pentru functionarea variatoarelor statice - Simulation Program for Static Speed Variating Devices Function
The paper presents a Windows application useful to study the static variator running, that intent to present all aspects needful. The application is didactic, being usefully for the students that study static converters.
Niculescu T.
Automatizarea proceselor de transport din minele de carbune cu pericol de explozie - Automation of Transportation Processes in Coal Mines With Explosion Risk
The results of the research, some details of the hardware implemented in the specific equipment and the adecquate software are described in the paper.
Dura C.
Influenta restructurarii industriei miniere asupra pietei fortei de munca din Valea Jiului - Influences of mining restructuring upon labor market in the Jiu Valley
The most important impact determined by the applying re-organizing directions is that upon the human entities, due to the fact that one of the conditions imposed in order to turn National Pit Coal Company to profit is to reconsider the number of the company’s employees. According to some studies of the region we can draw the conclusion that the impact of re-organizing the mining industry upon the human element has been mostly negative.